Friday, February 21, 2020

Bernie Opens Up Massive Lead Among College Students

Such FABULOUS news! The young people of America are waking up! We older ones need to stand with them! It is their futures and what is possible for their well-being today that are all at stake. It is also true that we of older generations have been most responsible for our overt or passive complicity and enabling of the patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist systems which have brought our nation and the Earth to this place of such great peril. We need to be accountable for this and to do everything we can to not just stand with our children, but to unite in every way possible in the great work of transforming ourselves and our nation through our active participation in this paradigm shift and evolutionary leap that is essential to our survival. Molly

2020 presidential election poll of college students:

Sanders: 42.3%
Trump: 19.9%
Buttigieg: 11.6%
Warren: 10.3%
Biden: 7.0%
Bloomberg: 4.4%
Klobuchar: 2.1%
Steyer: 1.1%
Gabbard: 0.9%

In the last two months, Bernie Sanders has surged 20 points among college students to become the group's clear 2020 favorite, according to a new College Reaction/Axios poll.

Why it matters: The numbers reflect the extent to which young Democratic voters are embracing socialism and rejecting moderate choices.

By the numbers: While his pitch to voters has remained constant, Sanders has continuously gained traction among college students, rising from 15.5% in September to 22.5% in December and now 42.3%.

It has been Sanders, not moderate candidates, appearing to win peel-off support as competitors like Andrew Yang, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke and Cory Booker have dropped out of the race.

An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll this week laid bare just how weak support is for moderate candidates among young Democratic voters. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents 45 and under:

1. Sanders - 54%
2. Warren - 16%
3. Bloomberg - 8%
4. Biden - 6%     
5. Buttigieg, Klobuchar - 5%

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