Saturday, February 1, 2020


Heartbreaking and horrifying. This article from 2016 remains deeply relevant to today.
And yet again, this illuminates the vital need for us to unite in the movements in America and worldwide for revolutionary changes that address the core of what has brought us Trump and so much violence and suffering and death across the Earth. There’s such deep need to recognize, understand, and dismantle the roots of the domination ideology that has produced the patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system that has always fueled deadly racial, ethnic, economic, social, and environmental injustice.
Riane Eisler, who barely escaped as a child and lost her whole extended family in the Holocaust, is such an excellent and needed resource to better understand in-depth where we are, how we got here, and what is needed to transform ourselves and our nation and world —
Rabbi Michael Lerner also embodies the wisdom of our treasured Elders. I was deeply moved after recently seeing Rabbi Lerner speak in Portland. He’s given me words which I’ve been using again and again. Like Revolutionary Love. I also recommend his latest book by that name —…/9780520304505/revolutionary-love.
I am moved again and again to not just speak to the many layers of the problem, but also to address the solutions, which I believe are to be found in uniting in movements grounded in Revolutionary Love. We urgently need to move past treating symptoms and dive deeply and courageously into addressing, healing, and transforming the roots of the peril we are in here in America and worldwide.
I believe in our human capacity to evolve and grow into our greater wholeness. Now is the time. 🙏 Molly

Eva Schloss, 86, is an Auschwitz survivor and the stepsister of Anne Frank. Both Frank and Schloss were Jewish refugees in Amsterdam together and the pair played together as children until their families were forced into hiding in 1942. After the war, Otto Frank (Anne's father) married Fritzi (Eva's mother). Eva Schloss is the co-founder of the Anne Frank Trust UK and the author of several books about her experiences during the Holocaust.
The theme of this year's Holocaust Memorial Day is "Don't stand by". This is particularly important now with the refugee crisis going on as more people than ever are being bystanders. We haven't really learnt anything—I'm depressed by the current situation. The experience of the Syrian refugees is similar to what we went through.
I was 11 years old when my family first immigrated to Belgium [after Hitler annexed Austria in 1938]. We were treated as if we had come from the moon. I felt as if I wasn't wanted and that I was different to everybody. It is even harder for today's Syrian refugees who have a very different culture. We were Europeans as well as Jews—we were assimilated. I was shocked that I wasn't accepted like an ordinary person. I am very upset that today again so many countries are closing their borders. Fewer people would have died in the Holocaust if the world had accepted more Jewish refugees.
Britain is not taking many refugees from Syria and it's a problem. Now, David Cameron's government say they might take in 3,000 unaccompanied children who have arrived in Europe. It sounds similar to the Kindertransport [the informal name of a series of refugee efforts which brought thousands of refugee Jewish children to Britain from Nazi Germany between 1938 and 1940]. The Kindertransport was wonderful in one way but on the other hand, most of the children never saw their parents again. It was a terrible thing to separate those parents from their children.
Germany has so far taken in over a million refugees and the country has not gone under. Their government has organised their response very well every area gets allocated a certain number of refugees based on their population and they get an appropriate amount of money from the federal government. Recently, I visited a refugee centre in the German town of Weimar where there was a lovely community atmosphere. Schoolchildren came to give language lessons and people in the town brought food.
This is not just a European problem, it's a global problem. If countries as big as the U.S. and Canada would take in more people, then we would get much closer to a solution. If Donald Trump becomes the next president of the U.S. it would be a complete disaster. I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism. During his U.S. presidential campaign he has suggested the "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States," as well as pledging to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico to keep illegal immigrants out.

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