Saturday, February 8, 2020

A Rally We Attended Yesterday — There Is No Greater Cause Than This

These are just a few images from the powerful Climate Strike and rally that my husband and I participated in yesterday just 5 minutes from our Vancouver, WA home at the Port of Vancouver. The amazing, beautiful, wise, and courageous speakers and singers were our Indigenous brothers and sisters. Deep, deep bow of gratitude, respect, and love to each of them. Also deep bow of gratitude to everyone who turned out.
Among my deepest prayers is that more and more of us will show up and rise up to stand in protection of life and our Sacred Earth Mother. Truly, and as my Indigenous sisters and brothers spoke to in-depth at this rally, it is humans who are killing each other and our water and the animals and the Earth. If we don’t rise up together by the thousands and millions all across Turtle Island, everything will die.
There is no greater cause, none, than to speak loudly and act strongly in protection of all of our relations. This is the imperative for us all. Molly

For more information, and how you can 
get involved, please go here:

The sign that I made reads THERE SHOULD BE A WORD FOR WHEN YOU COMMIT TREASON ON A WHOLE PLANET (A quote from Bill McKibben's latest book.)

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