Sunday, January 5, 2020

United States: The False Flag Empire

An excellent article! — Molly
 The trajectory of the American Empire has relied so heavily on false flag attacks one could describe it as a false flag empire.
AMERICAN PRESIDENTS like to describe the United States as a force for freedom, but by any measure America has, from its early days, been an imperial power subjugating and ruling other people’s lands mainly through bloody conquests, often using false flags or provocation in order to have a casus belli
Based on past American behaviour, everybody should be very sceptical of the American claim of Iranian involvement in the recent attack on the oil tankers. 
The timing is suspicious. In this recent case of ships in the Persian Gulf, why would the Iranians blow up ships when the Japanese PM Shinzo Abe was in Tehran — the first by a Japanese prime minister since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, in a visit aimed at reducing tensions between the U.S. and Iran?  
After a meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Mr Abe warned the region could “accidentally” slip into conflict. Just hours before the attacks, Abe had publicly declared that, contrary to U.S. accusations, Iran had “no intentions” of building a nuclear weapon. United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed the U.S. assessment was based on intelligence,” but no details were given and, sadly, the UK Government has fallen into line.  
The operator of the ship Kokuka Courageous, Japanese company Kokuka Sangyo, said the crew saw "flying objects" just before the attack, suggesting the tanker was damaged by something other than mines. Yutaka Katada, the company president, said reports of a mine attack were "false". 

If there is war, it will be as false as Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction”, or attack on a U.S. ship in the Gulf of Tonkin used to justify the Vietnam War, which killed over 3.5 million people in Indochina.

Please continue this article here:,12822 

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