Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Mirroring the Qualites Which I am Most Devoted to Expanding Within Myself Throughout My Lifetime

Going Deeper...

I’m moved to share this to highlight the issues of “likability”, integrity, refusal to compromise values or be part of poisonous uber-wealthy special interests — and to go much deeper. There are many levels which are mirrored in this picture. And my awareness of these many layers also moves me to again share this reflection of a response that I wrote to another article —

One thing, among so many, that has long drawn me to Bernie Sanders is the warmth and strength of his heart. This experience of heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul connection is what I treasure in my most beloved teachers and visionaries and family and friends. What Bernie Sanders stands for and radiates — integrity, open-heartedness, wisdom, honesty, compassion, courage, consciousness, love, and a fierce caring for life — these are the exact qualities which I am most devoted to expanding within myself throughout my lifetime.

When we are drawn other people, or find ourselves distancing, I believe that this is something important to pay attention to. Healing our injured instincts matters and is incredibly empowering. Consciousness of what we are absorbing and feeding our hearts matters deeply. My experience has been that whether we are feeding the “bad wolf” or the “good wolf” ( is dependent upon the nature of the health, strength, and openness of our hearts.

And this is something which matters so deeply in these times. Pema Chödrön is very wise when she reflects that “whether a heart is open or closed has global implications.” I have found this to be deeply true.

All of this is so much bigger than simply “liking” Bernie Sanders. What I experience in Bernie is that he is among those who are leaders of a Loving Revolution. May we all consciously choose to be part of this paradigm shift, this evolutionary leap, this Revolutionary Love that I believe is at the heart of who we humans most wholly are. And what our Earth most deeply needs. This is my deep prayer. 🙏 Molly

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