Monday, January 6, 2020

Joanna Macy: Ecosattva Vows

Thank you to my dear friend Concetta Antonelli
for this much needed wisdom from one of
my beloved teachers, Joanna Macy.
May we all join Joanna in
making this vow.
Bless us all... Molly

Based on my love of the world and understanding 
of deep interdependence of all things, I vow

          To live in Earth more lightly and less violently on the food, products and energy I consume.
          To commit myself daily to the healing of the world and the welfare of all beings; to discern and replace human systems of oppression and harm.
          To invite personal discomfort as an opportunity to share in the challenge of our collective liberation.
          To draw inspiration, strength and guidance from the living Earth, from our ancestors and the future generations, and from our siblings of all species.
          To help others in their work for the world and to ask for help when I feel the need.
          To pursue a daily spiritual practice that clarifies my mind, strengthens my heart and supports me in observing these vows.


Composed in collaboration between Joanna Macy and One Earth Sangha’s co-founders, Kristin Barker and Lou Leonard 

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