Thursday, January 23, 2020

Climate Groups Thank Sanders for Being Only Candidate at Debate to Stand Against Trump-Led Trade Deal

Excellent article. And it needs to be illuminated again and again how Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who doesn’t waver in his strong opposition to all that kills and threatens life AND his consistent and fierce lifelong advocacy for that which is in the highest good for we the people and the planet.
I also continue to be thoroughly disgusted with CNN and its glaring, but not surprising, choices to continue to be mouthpieces for the powerful rather than hold the powerful accountable. We would not be facing the national and global crises that we are if our media consistently communicated the truth and gave a platform for those who’ve not sold out to the powerful forces of the uber-rich.
Just imagine a presidential debate where the moderators had integrity and a profound commitment to truth. Just imagine what the questions would have looked like if Amy Goodman, Jeremy Scahill, Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, and other truth-tellers had been the moderators or had helped frame the questions. Just imagine! We the American people would be an awakened people united against those who are aligned with the deadly forces of our patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system and standing together in the work of healing and transforming our nation and world. Just imagine if we were consistently exposed to the truth. Just imagine! — Molly

"We can do much better than a Trump-led trade deal that does not even have the phrase 'climate change' in it."
Climate action advocates thanked Sen. Bernie Sanders for being adamant during Tuesday night's Democratic debate that climate and trade issues are one and the same, even as debate moderators attempted to separate the subjects.

When asked about the USMCA, which he voted against moving out of committee on Tuesday, Sanders said he would not support any trade deal that "does not incorporate very, very strong principles to significantly lower fossil fuel emissions in the world."
"Every major environmental organization has said no to this new trade agreement because it does not even have the phrase 'climate change' in it," the Vermont senator and 2020 presidential candidate said.

When Des Moines Register political reporter Brianne Pfannenstiel told Sanders that the debate would soon cover the climate crisis but the topic at hand was trade, the senator countered, "They are the same in this issue."

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