Saturday, January 25, 2020

CEO Of Wall Street Bank That Took $25 Billion Bailout Warns Of Socialism For Everyone Else

Jamie Dimon is a Merchant of Death as are all ultra-rich predatory capitalists whose extreme wealth is dependent upon the enormous losses, suffering, oppression, poverty, destruction, and death of millions. This patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system that is rooted in an ideology of domination rather than partnership — and which makes billionaires possible and causes this profound suffering and the poisoning of the planet — must go! That Bernie Sanders is NOT a capitalist is among the countless reasons why I support Bernie and am a passionate part of the political movement — the Loving Revolution — to heal and transform ourselves and our world. And just imagine a world where we all actually care about each other. Just imagine. 🙏 Molly

When it comes Wall Street bailouts, bank executives seem to have no problem with socialism.

"Socialism has failed where it’s been tried and ultimately leads to an ‘eroding society," J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said Wednesday. 

With democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders among the leaders in the Democratic presidential race and other candidates espousing similar-sounding ideas, the head of the nation’s biggest bank by assets said the idea of socialist control of the means of production would be detrimental to the U.S.

[He] said that socialist governments traditionally have done a poor job allocating capital and end up backing politically popular endeavors and “bridge to nowhere” projects.

‘Once you do that, you will have an eroding society,’ he said.

Please continue this article here:  

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