Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Bernie Sanders Pledges To Create Government Based on 'Love and Compassion'

This is my deep prayer for 2020: That we experience and are part of a great turning, an evolutionary leap, a paradigm shift, a massive transformation of our human and planetary trajectory which embodies Revolutionary Love within ourselves, our nation, and the world. A government which is increasingly grounded in the principles of compassion and love is a vital part of this Great Awakening. May it be so. Bless us all. 🙏 Molly

“In a few hours, we enter a new year,” Sanders said. “And it will be one of the most pivotal and momentous years in the history of our country. 2020 will be a year in which we end corruption in Washington, in which we end greed in Washington, and a year in which we begin the process of creating a government based on the principles of love and compassion.”

Please go here for the full article:

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