Monday, January 20, 2020

Bernie Sanders Has Been Getting It Right for 40 Years. Now, Says His Movement: 'We Are Going to Win'

This is an excellent and incredibly powerful article with multiple accompanying videos which speak the TRUTH.
Yet it is exactly the truth of those who are most consistently and relentlessly fighting for the highest good of the people and the planet who are most demonized by the American corporate media and the American neoliberal politicians from both major political parties — because their primary allegiance is to their corporate donor friends and to a deadly predatory capitalist system and Not to a government of, by, and for the people.
And again and again too many of us chime in attacking those who have been fighting for us throughout their lifetimes. Certainly that happened to Dr. King. And this is what is happening by many regarding Bernie Sanders. So then we must ask ourselves the question Herbert Schiller does: "How Did Thinking That Benefited the Few Gain the Acceptance of the Many?" (Please go here for a related blog post:…/herbert-schiller-ho….)
And yet the truth is, the record shows, the facts are indeed that Bernie Sanders "stands in the great prophetic tradition of civil rights icons like MLK Jr., Fanny Lou Hammer, and Ella Baker as well as other warriors for social justice throughout U.S. history such as Eugene Debs, Phil and Daniel Berrigan, and Dorothy Day." And, like Bernie, all of these visionary activists have been demonized, dehumanized, disrespected, discounted, distracted from, lied about, and attacked.
Let us remember these facts on this day where we honor Martin Luther King, Jr. And let us truly honor MLK, at least in part, by fully supporting those who carry Dr. King's legacy in their minds, hearts, and endless advocacy for a just, peaceful, and caring word. Those like Bernie Sanders.
And those like We the People. A Loving Revolution is happening! May we all be part of this paradigm shift, this evolution of humankind, this Great Awakening. It is time! — Molly
Sen. Bernie Sanders delivers remarks during a campaign rally in Exeter, New Hampshire on Saturday, January 18, 2020 while artist Molly Crabapple holds a drawing she did of the 2020 Democratic candidate.
"We've never ever in our lifetimes had a true champion of social, economic, and climate justice this close to the White House."
"It's going to be the most epic case of moral whiplash the world has ever seen. And it's going to inspire the people around the world."
They are not official members or designated surrogates of the campaign, but a potent and dynamic trio are among those showing up on the trail for Sen. Bernie Sanders these days, determined to tell all who will listen just how profound an opportunity voters in the United States now have before them: the chance to elect an unapologetic progressive and visionary to the most powerful elected office in the country at a time when people and the planet need a champion they can trust unlike any time in living memory.
Ahead of Monday's official commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr., actor and activist John Cusack, journalist and public intellectual Naomi Klein, and writer and artist Molly Crabapple were among those who joined Sen. Bernie Sanders on the campaign trail in New Hampshire over the weekend to meet with voters and explain to rally-goers why their preferred candidate—coupled with the grassroots movement he now leads—represents something extremely rare in U.S. politics.
At a pair of rallies on Saturday—one in Exeter and another in Manchester—Cusack argued that Sanders stands in the great prophetic tradition of civil rights icons like MLK Jr., Fanny Lou Hammer, and Ella Baker as well as other warriors for social justice throughout U.S. history such as Eugene Debs, Phil and Daniel Berrigan, and Dorothy Day.
A writer and longtime activist in addition to his career as an actor, Cusack co-authored the book, along with Indian novelist Arundhati Roy, "Things that Can and Cannot Be Said," and is also a founding board member of the Freedom  of the Press Foundation which advocates for journalist freedoms and free speech.
Cusack told the crowd in Manchester that what the Sanders campaign has undertaken is not isolated from the great social and labor movements of the past, but rather the continuation of an ongoing struggle against capitalist greed, militarism, racism, sexism, and the pervasive inequities that only a great many people joined together in community and solidarity can overcome.

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