Sunday, January 5, 2020

BERN NOTICE: 5 Facts Showing Bernie Is The Candidate Focused On Ending Endless War

There are many reasons why I am a passionate supporter of Bernie Sanders and a deeply committed part of the movements to dramatically transform our nation and, because we are all connected, the world. This is about Revolutionary Love. This is about our human evolution. While Bernie is a leader in these movements, this is about so much more than this one man. Not me, Us.
On the polar opposite end of continuum is Trump. And defeating Trump is again about so much more than defeating this one incredibly dangerous man and his heartless administration. There is a larger picture that illuminates the vital need to understand the core roots of what has brought us Trump. The great need is to understand and unite behind dismantling and transforming the ideology of domination that permeates the whole late stage patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system that has long been destroying our nation and the planet.
It needs to matter and matter deeply that Bernie Sanders is the only presidential candidate who has opposed every military budget put forth by Trump, and that his lifetime political record demonstrates a clear and consistent opposition to war and to the military industrial complex.
It needs to matter and matter deeply to all of us that Bernie Sanders is Not a capitalist, has never been part of the corporate DNC, and has a political record that consistently demonstrates his opposition to all the many facets of our poisonous predatory capitalist system — the fossil fuel industry, Wall Street and the big banks, the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, the prison industrial complex, and other huge financial interests.
It needs to matter and matter deeply to each and every one of us that Bernie Sanders is the only presidential candidate whose targeted allocation of funding and plan to fight climate change is commiserate with the extreme climate and ecological crises which threatens life on Earth with extinction. Bernie clearly understands that the climate emergency is the greatest existential threat that humanity has ever faced and must be the top priority. He has been speaking the truth about the climate crisis for DECADES.
Changing our values and the way we live and care for life on Earth is something that Bernie Sanders demonstrates again and again is something he has long been committed to and understands in his deepest heart and soul. And these changes are something that we can and must unite behind if we are to end endless wars and runaway deadly greed, crushing poverty and suffering and inequality, and have the potential for a habitable planet for our children and grandchildren and all species everywhere.
May we all unite in this revolution — this paradigm shift embodied in Revolutionary Love. 🙏 Molly Strong

1. BERNIE WAS ATTACKED 4 YEARS AGO FOR OPPOSING WAR WITH IRAN: In 2016, Bernie pushed to diplomatically engage Iran and avoid war — and he was attacked for doing so. Politico reported that his opponents deployed former national security officials to berate him.

2. WHILE OTHERS WERE SILENT, BERNIE HAS BEEN CAMPAIGNING IN 2020 AGAINST WAR WITH IRAN: Bernie isn’t only now speaking up to oppose a war in Iran — he has been explicitly campaigning against a war for most of his 2020 campaign. In May, he delivered an address to try to prevent a war in Iran. He then published an oped in The Guardian entitled “We must stop the US from going to war with Iran.” He also launched a petition against a war with Iran and did television interviews pressing the case against a war in Iran.

3. BERNIE IS THE ONLY 2020 DEM WHO HAS OPPOSED ALL OF TRUMP’S MILITARY BUDGETS: There’s nothing more to add here — Bernie is the only one with this record. Period, end of discussion.

4. BERNIE IS THE ONLY LEADING CANDIDATE TALKING ABOUT ENDING THE ENTIRE ENDLESS WAR POLICY: Unlike other candidates, Bernie isn’t just raising questions about Trump’s push towards war. He is explicitly opposing a war with Iran — and beyond that, he is calling for a wholesale end to the overall policy of endless war.

5. BERNIE OPPOSED THE IRAQ WAR, WHILE BIDEN HELPED THE GOP LAUNCH IT: Bernie led the fight against the Iraq War, which helped destabilize the Middle East. By contrast, Joe Biden did not just vote for the Iraq War — Biden was the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman who undermined Democratic opposition and played a pivotal role in helping Republican lawmakers authorize the Bush/Cheney Iraq War resolution.

Please go here for videos and full article:  

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