Friday, December 6, 2019

The Truth About Neoliberalism

This nails it.

Neoliberals wear the cloak of both corporate democrats and corporate republicans. The core of the ideology is corporate greed, power, and profit above all else. To maintain the illusions that the neoliberals in positions of power are acting in our best interests, we must be massively propagandized by a corporate owned mainstream media. This very much includes the propaganda of polarization that we’re constantly fed on FOX, MSNBC, CNN, PBS/NPR, and other mainstream resources that serve to misinform, divide, distract, disempower, and be mouthpieces for the powerful rather than hold the powerful accountable.

The core of neoliberal ideology is rooted in domination and the patriarchal, predatory capitalist system that has brought us the national and planetary peril we now face.

Let us all rise up, let go of our addictions to Trump and the politics of polarization and distraction, and unite as national and planetary sisters and brothers who are committed to fiercely fighting for justice, sustainability, peace, and the birthing of a radically different world — one which cares and works for all! — Molly


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