Friday, December 13, 2019

'Nakedly Authoritarian': Trump Taunts Security Guard for Not Being Rough With Woman Protester

I was so incredibly disturbed and chilled by the parts of this speech that I heard. It was so violent, dangerous, frightening, and heartbreaking.
It is my belief that that of greatest importance is to resist the pull to return dehumanization with more dehumanization. Truly, let us learn how to intervene on ourselves and refuse to be a mirror for hatred.
Instead let us use each instance that we witness of great harm as the exact vehicle to strengthen our hearts and our soulful commitment to being the peace, consciousness, compassion, and kindness our world yearns for.
This is hard work. And in no way does this mean that we shouldn’t strongly stand up to violence in all its forms in every way we can. The challenge is to not be pulled into that violence ourselves and to respond skillfully rather than react with by mirroring what we find so painful to witness in others. Because under our outrage is the grief and wisdom of knowing that only hurting people hurt others.
So the big question emerges — how can we learn the skills of the alchemist and use these instances to inspire us ever more strongly, and again and again and again, to be the peace our world hungers for? This is a core question that the great spiritual teachers over our human history have tried to answer.
And I saw one of these great teachers when he spoke in Portland Tuesday night. Rabbi Michael Lerner addressed this question in depth when he spoke. This is the wisdom that is so vitally needed for all of us. Please consider looking into and purchasing Rabbi Lerner’s latest book: Revolutionary Love: A Political Manifesto To Heal and Transform the World —…/9780520304505/revolutionary-love.
May we all seek to embody revolutionary love. Molly

"One of his ugliest and most troubling performances in recent memory," one observer said of Trump's rally in Pennsylvania.
During a campaign rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania Tuesday night, just hours after House Democrats unveiled articles of impeachment, President Donald Trump criticized an arena security guard for not being sufficiently rough while removing a woman who protested the event.

"Get her out. Get her out," Trump demanded as his supporters pointed and yelled at the demonstrator, who was wearing a #MeToo hat and holding a sign that read, "Grabbing Power Back."

"See, these guys want to be so politically correct," Trump said of the security guard attempting to escort the demonstrator out of the arena. "You see that? I'll tell you, law enforcement's so great. That particular guy wanted to be so politically correct."

Trump, who has a long history of urging his supporters and law enforcement to attack protesters, went on to mock the security guard for not putting his hands on the woman.

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