Wednesday, December 25, 2019

John O'Donohue: A Christmas Blessing

 A Christmas Blessing
In this season of tinsel, sparkle, and bright lights, may you experience the relaxed confidence that comes with knowing a light will illuminate your path every day of the year.
In this season of watching children enjoy the magic of December, may you also experience the mystery of Christmas with childlike anticipation, playfulness, and lighthearted fun.
In this season of expectations, may you hold the present moment with reverence, and be at peace with however future moments evolve.
In this season of remembering Christmas past, may your ponderings bring you the gifts of comfort, understanding, healing, and hope.
In this season of gift-giving, may you be blessed with loving relationships, the opportunity to receive, and the pleasure of spreading kindness.  May you know that within everything that happens there is a precious gift meant just for you.
In this season of gathering together with friends and family, may you be nourished by the sharing of food, hugs, and an appreciation of each person’s uniqueness.  May the support and companionship of loved ones inspire you.  And may you be a good friend to yourself.
In this season that celebrates the guiding star, may you clearly see the path that leads home to the light and beauty of the inner Spirit.  May nothing ever become between the light and yourself.
In this season of angels singing and people caroling, may notes of hope, comfort, and gratitude fill your days.  May there be harmony between your inner and outer self, and may the melody of your soul be present in all you do.
In this season of manger gentleness, may you remember the tender presence of your infant self in an honoring of the sacredness of your life’s journey.
In this season of celebrating the miracle of birth, may you birth, in the stillness of your soul, an openness to change, and the miracle of grace and growth.
In this season of new beginnings, may you appreciate the many ways life gives you to start over again – from the dawning of a new day, to the ending of life as we know it, which is just another beginning.
In this season of seeing with new eyes, may you celebrate the many forms of love, even those that present themselves as loss or grief.  May you be comforted and loss and grief transformed, so you never miss the meaning of an experience.
In this season of peace-making, may you honor all that has been, is now, and will be.
In this season of commemorating where you are right now, this December 25th, may you be filled with gratitude for the ongoing gift of your personal journey.  May the comforting presence of lessons learned keep you company, and may you know, without a doubt, that you are never alone.
In this season of gratitude, may you know that the love that created the first Christmas Day never ends.  May you feel its presence – it is here, today, right now, in each one of us.
John O'Donohue

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