Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Shocking Report on MSNBC's Bias Against Bernie Sanders

An excellent and illuminating piece which one more time exposes the Bernie blackout and the truth that MNSBC is NOT progressive or “liberal” but is actually more accurately a center-right capitalist corporate network. Seeking independent resources — which receive no funding from wealthy special interests — for our information is critical to being an informed populace. — Molly

The Young Turks

The mainstream media doesn’t take Bernie Sanders seriously, but they should. Ana Kasparian, Mark Thompson, and Michael Brooks, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: Read more here: "ONCE KNOWN AS THE LONE, FORTHRIGHT VOICE OF LIBERALISM on cable news, MSNBC began a lurch to the center in 2015 with its new chairman, Andrew Lack, going on a conservative pundit hiring spree and shedding the network’s “Lean Forward” branding. Even so, MSNBC is positioned to have an outsized influence on the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. According to the Norman Lear Center, liberals watch MSNBC at (respectively) three and 10 times the rate of more moderate and conservative viewers. After Fox News, MSNBC is the most-watched cable news network, beating out CNN. What’s more, the median age of MSNBC’s audience is 65—and older voters turn out in high numbers in primary contests."* Hosts: Mark Thompson, Ana Kasparian, Michael Brooks

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