Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sanders Distinguishes Himself From Warren in No Uncertain Terms

Worth sharing the crucial difference between these 
two candidates again and again. Everything we 
love and cherish is at stake. Molly

By Jessica Corbett

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders distinguished himself from Sen. Elizabeth Warren—another top competitor in the Democratic presidential primary—by highlighting their different beliefs on economic policy during an interview with ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl that aired Sunday.
After ABC‘s Karl suggested that Sanders (I-Vt.) and Warren (D-Mass.) have “pretty close to identical positions” on major issues, Sanders said that “Elizabeth Warren has been a friend of mine for some 25 years and I think she is a very, very good senator, but there are differences between Elizabeth and myself. Elizabeth, I think, as you know, has said that she is a capitalist [to] her bones. I’m not.”
Sanders, a democratic socialist, went on to detail his concerns about “the situation today that we face in this country.” Specifically, he called out major pharmaceutical companies for price fixing as well as the fossil fuel industry for profiting off of “destroying the planet.” The senator, a champion of Medicare for All, also pointed out that the United States fails to guarantee healthcare to all people in the country, unlike other developed nations. 
“I think business as usual and doing it the old-fashioned way is not good enough,” Sanders said. “What we need is, in fact—I don’t want to get people too nervous—we need a political revolution. I am, I believe, the only candidate who’s going to say to the ruling class of this country, the corporate elite: Enough, enough with your greed and with your corruption. We need real change in this country.”
Reiterating a key distinction between him and Warren on economic grounds, he said that “Elizabeth considers herself—if I got the quote correctly—to be a capitalist to her bones. I don’t. And the reason I am not is because I will not tolerate for one second the kind of greed and corruption and income and wealth inequality and so much suffering that is going on in this country today, which is unnecessary.”

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