Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflections On Making the Impossible Possible

 "It always seems impossible until it's done."
— Nelson Mandela

This quote from Nelson Mandela deeply resonates on so many levels. This is especially true in these times when we have run out of time to enact the comprehensive and dramatic changes required of us if there is to be any chance of leaving a livable planet to our children and grandchildren. 

There is an enormous body of evidence that clearly illuminates the grave reality of where we are at in this time of our human history. We have the most recent report by 11,000 scientists declaring a climate emergency: Such an excellent, well articulated, deeply researched, comprehensive, and compelling article.

Before this, there was the United Nations IPCC Report, which states that we have "12 years to limit climate change catastrophe." This report states, "If the global temperature rises by 1.5 degrees Celcius, humans will face unprecedented climate-related risks and weather events. We are on track for 3-4 degree temperature rise." It's the final call and the most extensive warning thus far on the risks of global temperatures:

And before that there was the letter signed two years ago by 15,000 scientists warning of the catastrophic consequences of the climate crisis in another "letter to humanity":

And, of course, there are others such as Dahr Jamail, Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben, Indigenous Peoples, and countless others who have been warning us for decades and longer. In addition, the first warnings by scientists of the coming climate and ecological crises connected with the burning of fossil fuels came in the 1950's and even earlier still. In addition to all of these human voices, there are the repeated messages from the Earth — messages that we humans must stop ravishing and destroying our Earth Mother. But we haven't listened.

Consequently, today we are witnessing over and over and over again the growing enormity of the emergency. And we are witnessing the enormity of the vital changes which are needed Now to avert the greatest threat to life on Earth that humankind has ever faced.


"Look at what realists have done for us. They have led us to war and climate change, poverty on an unimaginable scale, and wholesale ecological destruction. Half of humanity goes to bed hungry because of all the realistic leaders in the world. I tell people who call me 'unrealistic' to show me what their realism has done. Realism is an outdated, overplayed and wholly exaggerated concept."  
Satish Kumar

Decades have been squandered on realism and pragmatism, the status quo and greed, inaction and ignorance, silence and lies, minimization and denial, distraction and doubt, and the pervasive intentional poisonous propaganda of the powerful. The urgency of the emergency demands radical changes Now if there is to be any potential for a habitable Earth by the end of the century.

Anyone in any position of power who engages in actions like dismissing the vital need for the Green New Deal must be seen for what they are — a force for death on the planet. As the Juliana versus the U.S. case illuminates, and without exception, every single President since Kennedy has known about the coming and now current climate crisis and failed to act.

This failure and utter betrayal of our most basic need for a habitable planet illuminates the deadly power of wealthy special interests over our government, our media, and those democratic systems that are supposed to serve the best interests of the people and the planet rather than those of the most powerful. But this has never truly been the reality. There have always been those who’ve been excluded, marginalized, oppressed, scapegoated, dehumanized, violated, sacrificed, and killed.

This will continue as long as we persist in normalizing a domination oriented culture rather than one rooted in partnership. Please go here to clarify the difference between domination and partnership societies:…/breaking-out-of-the-domina…/. As we explore the stories embedded in these two belief systems and contrasting values, it then becomes very clear that since its founding and the realities of slavery and genocide of the First Peoples America has been a culture rooted in domination.

Over time, I have been experiencing and witnessing my own emergence from the deep fog of domination beliefs. These beliefs have blinded me and acted as obstacles to greater awareness, discernment, wisdom, humility, compassion, and love. 

It's painful to wake up and to come to see that my beliefs and that "my side" has often been part of what causes harm rather than healing, help, and wholeness. This gradual awakening has caused me to break out of my minimization, denial, and illusions about so many things. This includes my awareness today that both political parties are responsible for bringing us to the brink of our extinction — along with horror of the Trump presidency, endless wars and growing violence at home, growing national and global poverty and suffering and death, and all in the midst of the ever increasing and unconscionable redistribution of of wealth upwards, and on and on. About so many things, I was wrong, misinformed, and acting out of what I have absorbed that is unhealthy and harmful in our culture.

While I experience a great deal of humility, I also know that I am not alone in being misinformed and ignorant. We Americans are a highly propagandized people. This must change.


"Those who say it can't be done are usually
interrupted by others doing it."
James Baldwin

As we do embrace a fierce commitment to following the money, to lifting the veils of our indoctrination and ignorance, and to embodying a profound commitment to truth, it is then that so much becomes clear. Especially needed is activism grounded in truth and integrity, courage and kindness, connectedness and compassion, grace and love, and the consciousness embodied in an enduring commitment to the well-being of all life on Earth. This is the antidote to the epidemic of disempowerment, division, dehumanization, and violence that we see in our country and beyond.

The time is now for us to mobilize by the millions, unified in our common goal  to dismantle the systems of great power and greed which have long been the root of great suffering and death. We can choose to transform the trajectory which has long been pushing us towards the cliff of our extinction.

May the consciousness of this moment empower us to know in our deepest hearts and souls what our individual and collective roles are to bring about the dramatic changes that are vital to our well-being and survival. And may this consciousness pierce through that which divides us and instead compel us to stand together in protection of all that we love and cherish.
And may we recognize this: There are two kinds of radicalism occurring at this time in our human history — the radicalism of destroying ourselves and life on Earth, AND the radicalism of all of us who are nationally and globally uniting to stand up to, expose, and dismantle the forces of death. These forces which have brought us to the brink of destroying life on Earth are indeed the forces of evil. 

I believe that it is important to name what is happening. And it's important, I believe, for each of us to grow in clarity about which side of history we are standing with, which kind of radicalism are we embodying, and which actions will we take to stand up in protection of this beautiful world we share and all her inhabitants. 

This is all so much bigger than any of the polarities which the powerful use to divide us, very much including the polarizing polarity of democrats versus republicans. So much bigger. Let us all choose wisely our teachers, what we are feeding ourselves (does it poison or nourish us?), and the roots of the belief systems that we act upon. 

What I imagine, what I envision, is a world where we are uniting in our commitment to waking up. So much that appears impossible will become possible as we awaken. 

The children of all the species are counting on us. The time to make the impossible possible is NOW. 

Bless us all — Molly

 "Action creates its own courage and courage 
is as contagious as fear. You must do 
the thing you think you cannot do."  
Eleanor Roosevelt

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