Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Democrats Not Headed Too Far Left, Says Ocasio-Cortez, 'We Are Bringing the Party Home'

This is beautiful. This is our hope — a People’s Movement to transform our nation to where it’s never been before. We can evolve, we can act in alignment with our values, we can emerge from the fog of our illusions and live in increasing consciousness of truth and a higher good. We humans have the individual and collective potential to become a wise, kind, and caring people who stand in protection and reverence of life. Together we can do this. It is time. For our children and for all of the children of all of the species, let us unite and make this happen. This is my deepest prayer and vision. — Molly

"Many would call us radical," said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. "But we aren’t 'pushing the party left,' we are bringing the party home."

"I want to be the party of the New Deal again," says the progressive congresswoman from New York. "The party of the Civil Rights Act, the one that electrified this nation and fights for all people."
As part of a wave of reaction to comments made by former President Barack Obama who reportedly suggested to "liberal wealthy" party donors late last week that some Democrats were going "too far left," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded by saying progressives are not pushing in some new, radical direction but rather trying to bring it back to where it came from.

"I want to be the party of the New Deal again," tweeted the freshman Democrat from New York on Saturday, referencing the era of progressive change under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt last century.

"The party of the Civil Rights Act, the one that electrified this nation and fights for all people. For that, many would call us radical," she said.   

"We aren't 'pushing the party left,'" Ocasio-Cortez concluded, "we are bringing the party home."

The tweet also included a new campaign ad for Sen. Bernie Sanders, who Ocasio-Cortez has endorsed in the Democratic presidential primary. The two recently campaigned together in Iowa where they championed the need for a Green New Deal and spent time with local residents in the early voting states.

"This is about a people's movement in the United States," Ocasio-Cortez tells Iowans during a living-room meeting featured in the ad, "and this campaign is a part of that and electing Bernie Sanders is the beginning of a transformational movement in the direction of working people in America."  

Please go here for the original article: 

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