Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Democrat Vs. Democrat: The Fight Between Progressives And Centrists

This both hilarious and serious, brilliant and illuminating, and spot on and powerful! From 2018 but incredibly relevant to today. And as one person commented, it is sad to see people post and tweet "Vote Blue No Matter Who." They're so willing to vote for anything with a D in front of it instead of voting for a candidate who stands for something. That's not a plan, that's desperation.
Let us not settle for or be
blinded by desperation! Molly

THANKS to YouTuber Lauren Steiner, whose video we used but neglected to credit. It’s a great video of Dianne Feinstein’s constituents you should all watch it: Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic Party are looking to flip 24 U.S. House seats in November to regain the majority. Can they do it by embracing progressive politics? Or will they revert to their safe, warm spot in the center, where corporate money runs free and healthcare plans stay terrible? Check out the articles we used for research this week: _ ( _ ( _ ( _ ( _ ( _ ( _ ( _ ( _ (

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