Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Coal Industry Knew Burning Fossil Fuels Causes Climate Change as Early as 1966

It’s not just Exxon’s researchers who knew decades ago. And like Big Tobacco, the fossil fuel industry campaigned to fuel doubt and denial of their own fundings. I’ve also learned from the Juliana vs U.S. case that every single President since Kennedy knew of the coming and now current human caused climate crisis and failed to act. This has been how insidious and deadly the power the fossil fuel industry and that of the most powerful has been.
It also needs to be highlighted that the consequences of this failure to act to protect lives is greater than that of the tobacco industry because this evil threatens all life on Earth. And they know it.
This is what late stage addiction looks like — the addiction is so powerful that there is a complete disregard for life itself.
This also illustrates again and again and again the utter necessity of intervention — of stopping the madness of these addictions of the powerful to power and control, brainwashing and propaganda, endless wars and violence, greed and the extreme redistribution of wealth upwards, the continued burning of fossil fuels and rape of our Earth Mother, and on and on.
Now we’re facing this end stage of a terminal illness that began long, long ago. Just ask Indigenous Peoples how long this violence against people and the planet has been going on. So now we’re facing our own death — unless we intervene and unite, mobilize, and millions of us in America and worldwide wake up, rise up, and fight back to dismantle this deadly power of the powerful and birth a New Story and New World.
Many believe Trump is The Problem. And he is indeed the most devastatingly dangerous president our nation has ever known. He is also a symptom of a much greater disease which has long infected our country and the world. There is an imperative to treat and transform the roots of this disease and our national and planetary peril. Otherwise we leave the disease intact and the intervention will be a failure and even if Trump is ousted. Because he is a symptom.
Let us choose to evolve and embrace the radical courage, consciousness, and changes that is asked of us at this time in our human history. This is the only path forward that gives our children and grandchildren and all beings everywhere the potential that their futures will include a livable planet. Everything we love and cherish is at stake. — Molly

From Democracy Now!
Leaders of the coal industry knew as early as the mid-1960s that burning fossil fuels causes climate change. That’s according to a recently discovered 1966 copy of the magazine Mining Congress Journal, in which the head of a now defunct mining research company wrote that the combustion of fossil fuels was increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, causing global temperature increases. He continued, writing, “Such changes in temperature will cause melting of the polar icecaps, which, in turn, would result in the inundation of many coastal cities, including New York and London.” The recently discovered article now provides evidence that both the coal and oil industries have known about catastrophic climate change for decades, yet worked to cover up the evidence in order to continue burning fossil fuels.

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