Wednesday, November 6, 2019

11,000 Scientists Declare a Climate Emergency

This is an excellent, well articulated, detailed, deeply researched, comprehensive, and urgently needed article. Outlined here is the enormity of the emergency and the enormity of the vital changes needed Now to avert the greatest threat to life on Earth that humankind has ever faced.
Decades have been squandered on inaction, silence, minimization, denial, distraction, doubt, and the pervasive intentional poisonous propaganda of the powerful. The urgency of the emergency demands radical changes Now if there is to be any chance of a livable planet for our children and the species of the Earth.
Anyone in any position of power who engages in actions like dismissing the vital need for the Green New Deal must be seen for what they are — a force for death on the planet. As the Juliana versus the U.S. case illuminates, and without exception, every single President since Kennedy has known about the coming and now current climate crisis and failed to act.
This failure and utter betrayal of our most basic need for a habitable planet illuminates the poisonous power of the powerful over our government, our media, and those democratic systems that are supposed to serve the best interests of the people and the planet and not the powerful. But this has never truly been the reality. There have always been those who’ve been excluded, marginalized, oppressed, scapegoated, and violated.
This will continue as long as we persist in normalizing a domination oriented culture rather than one rooted in partnership. Please go here to clarify what I mean:…/breaking-out-of-the-domina…/.
Those who minimize or deny that both political parties are responsible for bringing us to the brink of our extinction — along with endless wars, growing national and global poverty and suffering and death, all in the midst of the ever increasing unconscionable redistribution of of wealth upwards, etc., etc. — are misinformed, and to the detriment of us all.
I say all this with the deep humility of owning the ways that I’ve been deeply misinformed and ignorant. We Americans are a highly propagandized people. This must change.
As we do embrace a fierce commitment to following the money, to lifting the veils of our indoctrination and ignorance, and to embodying a profound commitment to truth, it is then that so much becomes clear. The time is now for us to mobilize by the millions unified in our commitment to dismantle the systems of great power and greed which have long been imperiling us all and pushing us towards the cliff of our extinction.
May we be absolutely united in the consciousness of what we must do to comprehensively dismantle the roots of what has brought us to this place where the very lives of all that we love and cherish are threatened.

There are two kinds of radicalism occurring at this time in our human history — the radicalism of destroying ourselves and life on Earth AND the radicalism of all of us who are nationally and globally coming together to stand up in protection of this beautiful world and all her inhabitants. This is so much bigger than simply democrats versus republicans. So much bigger. Let us all choose to be on the right side of history. The children of all the species are counting on us. — Molly

On the 40th anniversary of the First World Climate Conference, more than 11,000 scientists have come together to urge immediate action on the climate crisis, The  Guardian reported.

"Scientists have a moral obligation to clearly warn humanity of any catastrophic threat and to 'tell it like it is,'" a group of scientists wrote in a letter published in BioScience Tuesday. "On the basis of this obligation and the graphical indicators presented below, we declare, with more than 11,000 scientist signatories from around the world, clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency."

The letter was written by dozens of scientists and endorsed by thousands more from 153 countries. It differs from past scientific communications about the climate crisis in that it does not speak in uncertainties and it lays out actual policy recommendations, The Washington Post pointed out. It is also the first time a large number of scientists have embraced the word "emergency" to describe climate change....

The letter writers warned of "untold suffering" unless measures were taken to address the climate crisis. They proposed six.
  1. Energy: They called for a rapid shift to renewable energy and for leaving fossil fuels in the ground. They also called for negative emissions technology to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and for wealthy countries to help poorer countries pay for the transition.
  2. Short-lived pollutants: They called for a reduction in shorter-lived pollutants like methane, black carbon and hydrofluorocarbons, which could reduce short-term warming by more than 50 percent and have the added benefit of saving lives from air pollution.
  3. Nature: They called for preserving and restoring ecosystems like forests and coral reefs. They said that as much as one third of the emissions reductions needed by 2030 to achieve the Paris agreement goals could be met by preserving and planting natural carbon stores.
  4. Food: They called for a shift towards a mostly plant-based diet and a decrease in meat and dairy consumption, which would decrease emissions and free up agricultural land for human food and ecosystem restoration.
  5. Economy: They called for a carbon-free economy that did not rely on excessive resource extraction. "Our goals need to shift from GDP growth and the pursuit of affluence toward sustaining ecosystems and improving human well-being by prioritizing basic needs and reducing inequality," they wrote.
  6. Population: They also wrote of the need to stabilize and, if possible, reduce the world population. They argued that there were ways to do so that also encouraged human rights, such as making access to family planning available to all and achieving gender equality, especially by encouraging education for young women and girls.
This is just an excerpt. Please go here for the full article:

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