Wednesday, October 30, 2019

'Step Up or Step Aside': With California Engulfed in Flames, Climate Activists Occupy Nancy Pelosi's Office

It's critical that we do indeed vote out anyone who is not standing with our children and grandchildren and their absolute right to a livable planet. Pelosi is one among many corporate Democrats who have long been in the pockets of special interests, certainly including the fossil fuel industry, and with horrifying and deadly consequences to life on Earth. The way she has shrugged off the "Green New whatever" sickened me. Shame on her! Shame on all who are prioritizing the status quo and profits over people and the planet! They must change or they must go! — Molly

"We're putting Congressional Democrats on notice. If you don't stand up for us, we'll vote you out in 2020." —Claire Tacherra-Morrison, Sunrise Movement

Dozens of young people occupied House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) office on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, demanding that she back a Green New Deal as wildfires burned through thousands of acres in her home state. (Photo: Sunrise Movement/Twitter)
"Our rage has to burn as fiercely as every fire we witness. And we're going to keep sitting in and striking until our leaders feel it too."
Over 50 young climate activists from California staged a sit-in at the Capitol Office of Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday, chastising the Democratic Speaker of the House for failing to act boldly on climate even as their home state is engulfed by wildfires made worse by the planetary crisis.

After taking over Sen. Dianne Feinstein's (D-Calif.) office earlier in the day, the climate activists from the Sunrise Movement proceeded to Pelosi's office where they displayed signs reading "What Is Your Plan?" and sang "Which Side Are You On?"

"Democratic leadership is failing to treat this like the emergency that it is," organizer Claire Tacherra-Morrison said in a statement. "Business-as-usual is killing us." 

Tonia is in @SpeakerPelosi’s speaking about the loss of beloved places in California to devastating fire. “Inaction is denial. Words won’t bring these places back. We are here, standing together. The climate crisis is getting worse but we are rising up demanding action.”
— Sunrise Movement (@sunrisemvmt) October 30, 2019

Several young people shared their personal stories and pleas for Pelosi to back bold climate action which could drastically reduce and eventually eliminate climate-warming carbon emissions.

“Democratic leaders must stand with us or step out of the way while young people lead” - Gabbi speaking about the urgency of the crisis and the fires. #StepUpOrStepAside #GreenNewDeal
— Sunrise Movement (@sunrisemvmt) October 30, 2019

Firefighters across the state, one protester said, "are trying to contain some of the fastest-moving fires that we've seen in the West Coast" while Pelosi is "putting the lives of Californians and U.S. citizens in continued and escalating danger by not rising to meet the active dangers posed by climate change."

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