Sunday, October 20, 2019


This video is something worth sharing again and again to expose and counter the extreme propaganda that we are relentlessly immersed in here in America. Bernie Sanders is vilified, dismissed, dehumanized, and demonized more than all other candidates in this presidential primary, and also in the last election cycle, exactly because he represents the greatest threat to the status quo, to the huge financial influences which have taken over the Democratic and Republican parties, to the powerful forces of ignorance and greed and fear and polarization, and to the special interests of the fossil fuel industry, Wall Street, the military industrial complex, the pharmaceutical and insurance industries, the educational and prison industrial complexes, the animal and agricultural industries, and other enormous special interests which have long been utterly destroying our nation and the Earth. No candidate demonstrates such a formidable long term pattern of fiercely standing up to the corporate elite than Bernie Sanders. 

This is nothing new. Certainly Martin Luther King, Jr. and countless others over time have been vilified and often assassinated because they have posed a powerful threat to the powerful by offering a vision of a dramatically different nation and world — one which is just, one which cares for and protects life, one which works on behalf of the welfare of all rather than a tiny fraction of the most wealthy.

Let us all recognize the brainwashing we are constantly fed by the American corporate media and stand up and say NO!, I WILL NOT BUY WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SELL ME! NO MORE!!

Instead let us unite behind the highest good for ourselves and our country and the world. Everything we love and cherish is at stake. Molly 

The corporate media covers Bernie's campaign while 
millions of people around the country rise up.

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