Tuesday, September 3, 2019


I just returned yesterday from my weekend immersed in what I have experienced as the extraordinary gift of the Women of the 14th Moon Ceremony. It was an amazing, powerful, and incredibly healing and nourishing ceremony. This has also been true since the first time I pushed through my fears and attended in 1999. And my life inside and out has been changed. 

At one point on Saturday as we embarked in the honoring of Elders, and as nearly 130 women sat watching and listening in the ceremonial arbor, these words were read to us by one of our sisters. Wow. Deep gratitude. 

Blessed us all. May we know this truth in our deepest being. Molly

Photo by Molly

Your pain will transform you.
Your story will enliven the world.
Your truths will magnetize your tribe.
Your weird will set you free.
You are worthy.
You are worthy.
You are worthy.


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