Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Shiloh Sophia: In Times of Great Sorrow

My dear friend Olivia shared this wise and loving poem by Shiloh Sophia with our women's circle. So timely in the wake of so much tragedy in our nation and beyond. Beautiful, powerful, and needed. Bless us all... Molly

In times of great sorrow
may you learn to be with the knowing
and not lose your joy.
In times of great collective undoing,
may you maintain a strong connection 
to your inner self.
In the journey of intense grief, 
may you feel everything,
and not lose your way home.
In times when it seems that truth is lost
may you hold fast to what is dear. 
When you are healed enough,
may you reach out to offer blessings to others.
May the revolution we are in need of
begin to rise in the heart of our community circles.
And please, rest when you are tired,
we need you whole and ready to lead.
May this blessing go out to where it is needed.

@Shiloh Sophia

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