Thursday, August 22, 2019

George Monbiot: The New Political Story That Could Change Everything

Please go here for the full TED Talk and transcript:  

"Neoliberal's time has passed.
We need a new politics of belonging."
— George Monbiot

I am so incredibly grateful for my many wise, conscious, courageous, and fierce warrior friends fighting for a loving, just, peaceful, sustainable, and caring world. They help me find links to amazing things like this TED Talk by George Monbiot.
Tears... Because my heart is so touched...
Through my own decades long and ongoing personal journey of awakening, healing, and transformation, I’ve come to deeply understand how critical it is to first fully see, own, and embrace the truth about the obstacles to our embodying the loving beings that we all are in our greater Selves. Half the solution is first seeing the problem.
So I post a lot about what I’ve been learning about obstacles — our human illusions and ignorance, our vulnerability to being propagandized and brainwashed, the ways that we get lost in our addictions and anger and fears, our propensity to judge and dehumanize and engage in wars large and small, and the many faces of violence that we often unknowingly inflict upon ourselves and other beings and the planet. I do this with the humility and deep compassion of personally knowing what it is to build walls around my own heart ... AND to also root into the courageous journey of dismantling the obstacles I’ve built against love.
Because I’ve long been working to be in this world with my eyes, mind, and heart open, I often hurt. My heart hurts. Because every year as I grow older I’m able to be less empathically impaired and more present to my pain and to that of others. And living more and more open-heartedly continuously changes me. I save spiders. I haven’t eaten anything with a face for 13 years. I give out a dollar and deep caring gaze and “bless you” to every person standing on a street corner holding a “please help” sign. And my circle of caring just grows and grows and grows. And having once been addicted and disassociated and largely cut off from the depths of my own heart and that of anyone else, today I am so grateful to feel! To be here now! To care!
And with all the suffering in the world, when I get to listen to someone like George Monbiot talk about a New Story, I am SO GRATEFUL. Here’s someone else who is aware and awake and who’s not just describing the obstacles, but also the SOLUTIONS!
It’s George Monbiot and Riane Eisler and Joanna Macy and countless other human beings whose lives are devoted to alleviating the suffering in the world who nourish and inspire me and give me hope. And I say YES TO A NEW STORY! — one which illuminates our human capacity to transform ourselves and evolve and become who we already most deeply are. May it be so! 🙏 Molly

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