Sunday, July 7, 2019

What If There Was a Huge Asteroid Headed Towards Earth?

What if there was a huge asteroid headed towards earth?
An extinction level event. Civilization won't survive the impact, nor most of the population.
BUT, hallelujah! Astronomers have given us 20 years warning.
There's time.
We could divert the rock. We have the means. We have the technology. We could do it. We could change the course of an asteroid the size of Texas. Yes, we could. But it would take all of us. And it gets harder and harder the longer we wait, until there comes a point where no matter what we do civilization is doomed.
But we could do it. All of us working together. If we act now.
Then you find out the rich, instead of trying to stop it, are building lifeboats, shelters, for themselves. They intend to escape and leave the rest of us to die.

That's climate change.

Global Fire Map

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