Saturday, July 6, 2019

We Need To Act Immediately and Decisively

Want to know why so many of us are #bernieorbust and will not vote for anyone else? Let me explain.
We are sick and tired of presidents and elected officials offering nothing but lip service. They do this because they can't piss off the private interests that fund their campaigns and super PACs, it's not rocket science.
Even Obama, who ran on "change", dropped more bombs by drone than any other president, agreed to let Shell explore the arctic seas for new oil drilling, and ignored the Keystone protests and the violence perpetrated on the natives involved.
We are not going to fall for it again. The differences between candidates who are bought and paid for are negligible, and with climate change we don't have TIME for half-measures or moderation. We need to act, immediately and decisively.
Not to mention people dying all over from not being able to afford the healthcare they need.
No candidate besides Bernie has the fortitude to stand up to the oil companies and the medical industry. No one else has shown that they are willing to take the drastic measures necessary to save our children and grandchildren.
This is why.
And nothing is going to change our minds.
So if you REALLY want to beat Trump, get on board.
It may be our last chance to turn this ship around.

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