Wednesday, July 17, 2019

This Video Needs To Go Viral: AOC, Omar, Tlaib, & Pressley Speak Out Against Trump

AOC, Omar, Tlaib, & Pressley Speak Out Against Trump

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-IL), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) respond after President Trump doubled down on his racist tweets that these four congresswomen of color should 'go back' to the countries they 'came from.' For the record, three of the congresswomen were born in the U.S., and all four are U.S. citizens, duly elected by American voters.


The entirety of this video needs to go viral. The integrity and truth-telling, consciousness and courage, vision and wisdom, and tenacity to call out that which causes devastating harm, suffering, and violence — AND while also fiercely fighting for the highest good for us all — needs to be seen, affirmed, and supported by us all. These are also the faces of the New Democratic Party which are calling out all the destructive policies and dangerous corporate influences — including within the DNC and not just the Republican Party alone — that have long been at the root of destroying our country and the planet. May we all listen and be inspired. Another world is possible! — Molly 

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