Monday, July 8, 2019

Japanese-American Activist: I Was Incarcerated During WWII. Jailing Migrant Kids Is an “Atrocity”

To minimize or in any way deny what is happening is to be complicit with the unfathomable suffering, torture, and horror of these crimes against humanity being committed by the American government. These kinds of crimes go back to the earliest days of dehumanization and atrocities committed through slavery and the genocide of Indigenous Peoples. This madness must stop! Blessed are the truth-tellers and all who are helping to shake us awake! It is far past time for our species to evolve and end the justification for violence against other humans and nonhumans and our Earth Mother. — Molly

"So much euphemistic language was used to cover up and minimize the impact of what they were doing to us in 1942," says Satsuki Ina, who was born in a Japanese-American internment camp during World War II. "The term 'concentration camp' is a way of describing the reality of what was done to us, and not using the language that the government imposed, distorting the reality of what happened to us."

Please go here for the transcript and full video: 

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