Sunday, July 14, 2019

Henry Giroux On Neoliberal Fascism

America is in a state of crisis that touches every aspect of public life, extending from a crisis of economics produced by massive inequality to a crisis of ideas, agency, memory, and politics itself. We are in a new historical period, one in which everything is transformed and corrupted by the neoliberal tools of financialization, deregulation, and austerity. Within this new nexus of power, anti-democratic principles have become normalized, weakening society democratic defenses. Exploitation is now matched by a politics of terminal exclusion.

American society has turned lethal as is evident in its assaults upon children. Too many people, under the Trump regime, look away and become complicitous with this new form authoritarianism, which I call neoliberal fascism, without addressing the distinctive form of violence that characterizes this new political formation. 

Neoliberal fascism has become a powerful engine of violence and cruelty both in the United States and in an increasing number of other countries. Combining the savage consequences of economic inequality and a politics of survival with the dictates of ultra nationalism and white supremacy, neoliberal fascism represents a distinctive and dangerous plunge into an upgraded form of fascist politics. 

We need a discourse that reads against violence, revives historical memory as a form of moral witnessing, a forum for critically interrogating the unsettling and unspeakable–a critical engagement with a culture of real, visceral and symbolic violence. Politics here takes on an ethical necessity and ambition. Most importantly we need a politics capable of mobilizing a merger of trade-unions and the diverse social movements fighting against oppression.

 Please go here for more information: 

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