Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Billionaire Bernie Marcus to Donate Majority of Fortune, Support Trump for Re-Election

The catastrophic harm, suffering, violence, death, and destruction committed by people of great wealth who are completely asleep cannot be overestimated. I just cannot even begin to find the words to say how chilling this is. This is the face of evil. Such dangerous times. It is also important to note that Bernie Sanders is identified as "the enemy of every entrepreneur" exactly because Bernie is the greatest threat to the power structures that are destroying our country and the planet. Do not underestimate how vicious the powerful will be in trying to take Bernie Sanders down. And do not underestimate how needed we are in this national and global movement to transform ourselves and our world to one which cares for and cherishes life rather than destroys it. We truly are all needed. The time is now for us to act individually and together to save ourselves and the Earth. Everything we love is at stake. ― Molly

Billionaire Bernie Marcus has already given more than $2 billion to upwards of 300 organizations, and he said he plans to donate the majority of his fortune while he’s still alive and support President Trump for re-election in the 2020 presidential election.

The Home Depot co-founder told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution over the weekend that he will continue to look for worthy causes to donate to in the years to come. Marcus, 90, added that 80 to 90 percent of his wealth will go to the Marcus Foundation when he dies to fund other organizations such as medical discoveries, helping children with autism and veteran support.

“I want to live to be 100 because I want to be in a position to give it away to those things that I really believe in,” Marcus told the newspaper. “I’ve got all the houses I need. I live very well. My kids are taken care of. Everything I live for now is finding the right things to put my money into and that can give me a rate of return in emotion and doing good things for this world.”

Marcus has an estimated net worth of $5.8 billion, according to Forbes. The billionaire has donated more than $2 billion to philanthropic causes, including $250 million to build the Georgia Aquarium. The businessman could donate up to $6 billion in his lifetime.

When asked about his net worth, Marcus said he doesn’t “have a clue.”

“You know when I find out what I’m worth? Once a year, I go through it with my accountants. I don’t have a clue. My key is how much can I give away this year?” he told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Marcus was also a top donor to President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign — and he plans to support the president during his 2020 re-election bid, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Please continue this article here: https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/bernie-marcus-plans-to-donate-majority-of-his-fortune-trump-re-election?fbclid=IwAR18thsnAoO5AqNeYqG972ti2eGMXdRBFW2We6LuspxDMr6X85UMmYFqKrw

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