Saturday, June 15, 2019

This Is For Audrey, Ethan, Eleanor, Carsten, Oliver and All of the Children of All of the Species Everywhere

With Audrey at 5-1/2 weeks
 For the Children and the Earth

This is the youngest our five grandchildren, beautiful Audrey Rose. Audrey is now just 6 weeks, Ethan is 1 years old, Eleanor is now 1-1/2, Carsten is 3, and Oliver is 4 years old. If anyone ever wonders why I am so passionate about working towards a just, caring, peaceful, sustainable, and habitable world, all they need do is look into the eyes of one of our children or grandchildren. Or look into the eyes of any child or any being.

We live in an Elder starved nation. That millions of young people are standing up and rallying all over our nation and worldwide demanding that adults act to protect them and work to ensure that they have a livable planet is a terrible indictment on just how far we have let things slide. So many decades have been squandered by human ignorance, greed, violence, apathy, and inaction. It is hard to look at just how bad things are and the reality that our species and most of life on Earth now sits at the precipice of extinction unless we act NOW to radically change our trajectory.

It is time — it is far past time  for us to step up in every way possible to do our part in healing and transforming ourselves and our planet. Truly, let us act now in order that, in time, all children will know that we did what we could to stand in protection of them and their futures. 

Bless us all — Molly

"What we most need to do to save our world is hear
within us the sounds of the Earth crying."
Thích Nhất Hạnh

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