Friday, May 24, 2019

The News We Need To Know: Which 2020 Democrats Are "Cozying Up" To Wall Street

I truly hope that this will go viral. It is my strongest belief that the truth will set us free to birth a new world and a New Story, one which is free from the corrupted politicians and corrupted government and corrupted and toxic stranglehold that large financial corporate interests have held over our nation for so very long. There is an urgent need to follow the money and refuse to be complicit in that which threatens, not only our country, but all life on Earth. 

Part of what I have learned empowers us to act in the highest good for us all is to see larger and larger pictures. This includes understanding that there is a reason why MSNBC, CNN, NPR, and other mainstream media — not just FOX — subtlety and blatantly demonize, delegitimize, denigrate, dismiss, distract from, and minimize and neglect to report on what Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are saying and the truth of what they embody. We all must recognize and refuse to be complicit in believing the propaganda and scare tactics of “big government” and “socialism” and "extreme left." These are code words by those in positions of power who seek to maintain the status quo of neoliberal capitalism, patriarchy and poverty, endless war and extreme inequality, and all that has brought us the climate crisis, the ecological crisis, and the sixth major extinction which now threatens all life on Earth.

Instead of buying what we are sold by these large and toxic financial interests, let us do our deep research, learn to follow the money, and join together with the candidates who are not corrupted by ideology and large corporate donors and who instead are authentically aligned with and advocating for the highest good for us all. Let us be part of the national and global movement to birth a new world and a New Story — one which values rather than destroys life.  

This can only happen if we come together as an ever growing movement that will settle for nothing less than dismantling toxic late stage neoliberal capitalism and the patriarchal systems of domination and violence that gave rise to it. Another world is possible! Tag, we are all it!! — Molly

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