Sunday, May 5, 2019

Part III: Reflections and a Request Regarding Our Responsibilities As Human Beings For the Direction and Future of Our Nation and the Planet

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, 
then they fight you, then you win."
— Mahatma Gandhi

Leading up to the last election, I had a friend who was an avid Bernie Sanders supporter for the last go round. When Bernie was crushed by the DNC and all the other factors, he became a Trump supporter. Millions of people were ready for big change, were saying NO! to any moderate (i.e. those owing allegiance to large corporate donors rather than the true needs of the people), and were determined to back a populist. So they then ended up voting for the "fake Bernie." This included my friend. When I tried to share with my friend why — after Bernie was forced out — that I was going to vote for Clinton and how much greater the danger was with Trump, he unfriended me.

Now many of those Trump supporters are beginning to come back to support Bernie Sanders once again. This was exemplified in the town hall that Senator Sanders recently did on FOX "news." It was excellent. If you missed it, here is Part I:

It is my belief that it is critical to reach out to all Americans — which includes Trump supporters — and that the way we do this is exactly by addressing the issues. And by remembering to not call anyone stupid or dismiss them because they once acted counter to what we care so deeply about. By putting principles before personalities, by educating ourselves about the issues which impact us all regardless of political party, we become empowered to move beyond the politics of polarization and increasingly come together from all walks of life in the highest interests of us all and our planet. And in this process of digging deeper and of becoming informed related to patterns and policies, we come to more accurately discern whose words and actions are authentic and in alignment with a highest good — and whose are not.


"We can be whatever we have the courage to see."
— Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez

On April 27th my husband and I attended a gathering near our Vancouver, WA home that was one of nearly 5,000 events occurring in every state, Puerto Rico, and 30 other countries worldwide. These grass roots events and activities are part of an enormous growing community and deep commitment to support the election of Bernie Sanders. In saying this, it is critical to understand that the much larger goal is to address together as a national and global community every issue I named in Part I — which are absolutely all interrelated. The enormous efforts that are now underway to radically change and transform our nation and planet, and that my husband and I are part of, aim to stand up to the power of the enormous financial interests that want anyone in the White House from either major political party as long as their commitment is to their corporate donors and the large financial interests that back them and not to the true needs of the people and the planet. There is a fierce struggle to preserve the status quo — the same status quo which has brought unimaginable suffering, war, poverty, racism, inequality, and the ecological and climate crises which now threaten all life on Earth.

We cannot allow this to happen.

One of the experiences which has been deeply transformative for me is learning how to follow the money. Mega amounts of Dark Money fueled propaganda with different current language such as “Soft Capitalism,” with justification for fighting Medicare For All, with demonizing and out right lying about Democratic Socialism, with saying another corporate Democrat (Biden) is the one who can beat Trump, with its bottom line being to preserve the enormous and deadly power of large financial corporate interests within the military industrial complex, Wall Street, the fossil fuel industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the prison industrial complex, etc. — this Dark Money is equally as dangerous regardless of which political party it permeates. 

Dark Money and the toxic propaganda it perpetuates must be seen for what it is — a poison to ourselves, our nation, and the planet. I believe that there is an imperative to recognize and disentangle ourselves from the brainwashing that tells us radical change is not needed and not possible and that the big battle is just between Democrats and Republicans. No, that is a lie. And a deadly one. Our struggle is between the large financial interests that have long sought to overtake our government and planet and our own minds, hearts, and souls AND what is in the highest good for our country and all of Earth’s inhabitants. May we all become increasingly and courageously committed to seeking and seeing the truth. There are so many veils to lift that have acted to keep us stuck in the fog of illusions, indoctrination, and propaganda. Yet, it is the truth that shall set us all free. 

It is my belief that we each hold within ourselves the potential to grow into our greater wholeness and connect with the wise visionary within. We can change the story we live by. First there is a great need to envision this new world. These are glimpses from our potential future:

Another world is truly possible. The old story has failed to work for a long, long time. There have also always been those who were left behind, who never even came close to being within reach of the American dream. There have also always been those from around the world upon whose misery and suffering is what has brought us "our way of life." To add onto this, and unlike any time in our human history, today the Earth is on hospice. Literally, all that we love is at stake. We need a New Dream, one that is all inclusive and includes the well-being of all Americans and all of life everywhere. Let us envision together a New Story, one which is absolutely possible. But first we must see this potential future and then work together for it on a massive scale. We all have a role to play. And "the first big step is closing our eyes and imagining it. We can be whatever we have the courage to see."


"We have got to change the political culture in America.
We need a political revolution. 
That means we are working on politics not
just three weeks before an election
but 365 days a year."
Bernie Sanders

Decades ago Martin Luther King, Jr. was demonized and dehumanized as being a radical, a socialist or communist, and someone who was irrational and anti-American. His ideas were ridiculed, disrespected, dismissed, and said to be wholly dangerous. Yet, in demanding an end to war, an end to economic and social and racial injustice, and other profound changes to our nation, it is true that he was indeed dangerous. Dr. King was dangerous to those in power because he called out and illuminated the shadow side of America and all that was causing so much suffering, death, and destruction in our nation and worldwide. He was standing up to the enormous financial power structures which have always sought to crush any rebellion, any revolution, any threat to their power, control, and greed. 

Tragically, and to the peril of us all, they have been successful. All one need do is look at when the word first got out decades ago that human caused climate change is an existential threat to life on Earth — and see that nothing has been done to address this greatest threat to us all. Now we are in the midst of a sixth major extinction. Now every day we hear of human caused climate disruption and the horrors in its wake. (This morning I just heard more about the catastrophic storm that hit India on May 4th, and that the Midwest in our nation is set to get another 5" of rain on top of already flooded areas.) Literally, millions across the planet are impacted today, in this very moment by human caused climate disruption. Yet, the link between human activity and these horrific storms, wildfires, floods, droughts, etc., etc. — and the urgency of the Green New Deal and other radical changes NOW is not making the headlines daily or rarely spoken about if ever in the American corporate media. And the occupant of the White House states that global warming is a hoax, and democrat Nancy Pelosi belittles the Green New Deal — and they largely get away with it. And when Senator Sanders was the one presidential candidate in 2016 who stated that global warming is the single greatest threat and issue of our time and all time, he was ridiculed or simply blacked out in the American mainstream media. 

We all need to no longer tolerate this madness. And I say this as a grandmother who Friday held in my arms for the first time my baby granddaughter who was born just hours earlier. I write all of this for her and for all of our grandchildren — Oliver (4), Carsten (3), Eleanor (1-1/2), and Ethan (1). AND for all of our children and grandchildren and children everywhere. AND for all inhabitants on our beautiful hurting Mother Earth. I weep now as my heart breaks open with thoughts of our children and grandchildren and also remembrance of the sacredness and value of all beings... There is simply no time left to squander on apathy and inaction, ignorance and the enabling of propaganda, complicity with the status quo, despair or denial, and on and on. We are at the 12th hour. 

Please go here for the issues addressed in the campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders: These issues are all interrelated and not separate. As each of us explores and researches what is important, how we will vote, how involved we will get in both the political process and in the larger work of transforming ourselves, our nation, and the planet, it is my deepest hope that more and more of us will come to recognize that each and every one of these issues is part of a greater whole upon which the wellbeing of us all depends. None can be compromised or left behind. To do so would only perpetuate all that has brought us to this place of such great peril.

I believe that we’re all needed in this struggle to birth a new world, one which holds life with reverence. The efforts, belief systems, and ripples created by each and every one of us matters and matters deeply. My ongoing prayer is that we will all assume responsibility for doing everything we possibly can to make possible a habitable planet for today's children, the children of the future, and all children and beings everywhere. 

The eyes of the children are watching.

Bless us all. 🙏

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