Sunday, May 12, 2019

'Our Kids' Lives Are At Stake': Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Joe Biden Over His 'Middle-ground' Approach to Fighting Climate Change

Truly a deal-breaker. And no surprise given Biden’s record and long term pattern of being a corporate democrat in bed with the large financial interests found in the fossil fuel industry, Wall Street, the military industrial complex, the pharmaceutical industry, the prison industrial complex — all that has brought us the extreme redistribution of wealth upwards, endless war, crippling poverty, chronic inequality and injustice, and the ecological and climate crises which are heading us all over the cliff into extinction. Unless we radically change direction NOW. — Molly


    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez condemned former Vice President Joe Biden on Friday after reports that Biden would take a take a "middle ground" approach to combatting global climate change.

·         Ocasio-Cortez, a progressive member of Congress who has led the charge in pushing the Green New Deal, called Biden's position on the issue a "dealbreaker," apparently referring to his 2020 bid.

·         "We're not going to solve the climate crisis w/ this lack of leadership. Our kids' lives are at stake," the Bronx native tweeted.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez condemned former Vice President Joe Biden on Friday after reports that Biden's 2020 presidential campaign is crafting a plan that would take a "middle ground"approach to combatting global climate change.

Ocasio-Cortez, a progressive New Yorker who earlier this year introduced the Green New Deal — an ambitious plan to fight climate change — said Biden's stance on the issue is a "dealbreaker," likely referring to his presidential bid.

"There is no 'middle ground' w/ climate denial & delay. Blaming 'blue collar' Americans as the main opponents to bold climate policy is gas lobbyist 101," the Bronx native tweeted. "We're not going to solve the climate crisis w/ this lack of leadership. Our kids' lives are at stake."

A host of Democrats and progressive groups pushed back on Biden's position earlier on Friday.

"If our house were on fire, we wouldn't seek a middle-ground approach to putting it out," Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, who's focusing his 2020 bid on climate change, said. "When our planet is on fire, we shouldn't seek one either. We can pursue realistic and aggressive climate policy, based on successes in states and cities across America."  —Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 10, 2019

Sen. Bernie Sanders also publicly criticized the proposal, and climate activists called it "a death sentence for a livable planet."

Read more: The group that powered Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's campaign is kicking off a war against Joe Biden's 2020 primary bid

"There is no 'middle ground' when it comes to climate policy," Sanders tweeted. "If we don't commit to fully transforming our energy system away from fossil fuels, we will doom future generations. Fighting climate change must be our priority, whether fossil fuel billionaires like it or not."

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