Tuesday, May 14, 2019


We all need to understand what’s at stake if there’s a continuation of policies and narratives which refuse to address the climate crisis and the ecological crisis. All that we love is at stake. — Molly

In response to Joe Biden’s “middle of the ground” climate change policy currently being drafted by Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) released the following statement:

“As it pertains to the climate crisis we have breached the point of peak incrementalism. The science simply does not allow for non-chalant, middle-of-the-road solutions when our survival is on the line.

For frontline communities, the situation is even more dire. In order for our movement to be successful and to build support, we need buy-in from all communities. That’s why our communities continue to push for creating and executing solutions that meet the scale of the climate crisis.

“We invite Biden and all lawmakers to model the local and national efforts, led by members of the Climate Justice Alliance, rooted in equity and Just Transition, as a means of effectively addressing the quintessential social, economic and public health threats that accompany climate change.”


The Climate Justice Alliance is a growing member alliance of 68 urban and rural frontline communities, organizations and supporting networks in the climate justice movement. CJA is dedicated to building Just Transition away from extractive systems of production, consumption and political oppression, and towards resilient, regenerative and equitable economies.

Please go here for the original: https://climatejusticealliance.org/climate-justice-alliance-responds-joe-biden-campaigns-climate-change-policy/?fbclid=IwAR0Z1G0auM4ClvNR3fMgFGE9rjiofBmKcigVZS1jVVik5aI28ALS8ey2JdQ  

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