Saturday, May 25, 2019

Bernie Sanders Is the Only Candidate to Vote Against All 3 Trump Military Budgets

These are the facts that we need to know to be empowered 
to make informed decisions. Molly
NATIONAL VFB (April 5, 2019) — Yesterday the House of Representatives voted to end American military involvement in Yemen, an effort spearheaded by Sen. Bernie Sanders, who sponsored the original Senate resolution. Never before in U.S. history had Congress invoked the War Powers Act, until now.
Amid reactions to the historic vote, one twitter-user noted that Sen. Bernie Sanders was the only candidate to vote against all three of Trump’s military budget increases.
As veterans of America’s forever wars, we were determined to find out if Sen. Sanders really was the only candidate to stand up to Trump’s budget bloat.
Turns out, he is!
Even Army Veteran Tulsi Gabbard, who twice voted against Trump’s military budget, showed support for the bone-spur-commander’s request in 2019, when he requested a record $717 billion, including billions for his signature “border wall” agenda.

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