Saturday, April 13, 2019

Iran Designates US Central Command a 'Terrorist Group' Operating in the Middle East

My husband's words on this are spot on. Ron writes: "I struggle with the idea of 'thanking someone for their service' when there hasn't been one war since WWII that was actually about protecting the security of the American people rather than the interests of the corporate Military Industrial Complex. Neocons like Bolton have been itching to go to war with Iran, despite the unmitigated humanitarian disaster in Iraq. Please don't be passive. The only meaningful way to honor our soldiers is to end the endless war." 

I am also reminded again and again of Martin Luther King's words: "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world : My own Government, I can not be Silent... A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift approaches spiritual death."  

We are all responsible for learning how to disentangle ourselves from the propaganda we are relentlessly immersed in and refuse to be complicit with the profound violence and suffering of endless war. It is vital that we remember that war is not peace. War is terrorism. We can all work together to stop the glorification of the American war machine and become unrelenting in our own advocacy for peace. — Molly

"If Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a 'terrorist organization' because it has 'been directly involved in terrorist plotting, malign activity and outlaw behavior in many countries' then what label could justly describe the entirety of the US military & national security state?"
Iran's Supreme National Security Council on Monday officially designated U.S. Central Command operating in the Middle East as a terrorist group.
The move was a direct reaction to the Trump administration earlier in the day designating the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) in a similar fashion.
As the Iranian FARS News Agency reports, the statement from the SNSC
declared the United States a "terrorist government," and blacklisted the "CENTCOM and all its affiliates a terrorist group" to reciprocate Washington's controversial decision to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization. 
In a statement issued on Monday evening, the SNSC—that is headed by President Hassan Rouhani—condemned Washington's move, calling it "an illegal and dangerous action" that poses a "major threat to regional and international peace and security and grossly violates the rules of international law."
In its declaration, the SNSC also invoke the ongoing carnage in Yemen being carried out by the U.S.-backed Saudi coalition, and charged that the U.S. government and its allies "have always been advocates of extremist groups and terrorists" in the Middle East. The American military, the Iranians argued, must take responsibility for "the dangerous consequences of its adventures" in the region.
The move by Tehran followed a formal request by Foreign Minister Javad Zarif submitted to Iran's President Hassan Rouhani:
While anti-war voices in the U.S. condemned the State Department's new designationof the IRGC as just the latest policy by the Trump administration designed to bring the two countries closer to war, the Iranian response was not unexpected.

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