Sunday, March 17, 2019

We Live In Capitalism, Its Power Seems Inescapable — But Then So Did the Divine Rights of Kings

I am moved to again post this reminder in the wake of Beto O’Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, and other reportedly progressives declaring themselves to be capitalists. We are far past time in questioning the deeper truths of the norms, values, and stories of our culture and if they are indeed in the highest good for our nation and other countries, for other beings and life on Earth, and for the planet. 

The economic system we’ve been indoctrinated into believing is the only and best way is indeed bringing great wealth to a very small fraction of extraordinarily wealthy human beings. It’s also bringing extraordinary poverty and suffering to the vast majority of the world’s people, endless war and oppression, ever escalating forms of violence, Trump and other toxic and dangerous despots, millions of displaced and desperate refugees and immigrants, the sixth major extinction we’re now in the midst of, global warming that threatens all life on Earth if we don’t radically change NOW, three humans owning as much wealth as half of America, over two million incarcerated Americans, neoliberal ideology and the influence of Dark Money over our political and media systems, and the list goes on. 

We are all frogs in the fry pan being brought more and more quickly to a boil. Will we wake up and jump off this suicidal path in time? I don’t know. It’s up to each and every one of us. 

There is an absolute imperative to no longer accept the toxic and deadly status quo as reality. Another world is possible — one grounded in Partnership rather than the unrelenting violence of domination culture that is the core of capitalism. 

May we all awaken from the dominator trance! Please go here for more: Thank you. — Molly

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