Monday, February 25, 2019

"Our House Is On Fire": Greta Thunberg,16, Urges Leaders To Act On Climate

This is yet another utterly amazing, spot on, incredibly well articulated, courageously conscious, and profoundly wise statement made at Davos by 16 year old Greta Thunberg. I cannot find the words to express how she nails this crisis and the brutality and insanity of inaction by adults in power to its core. I am moved to ask again — Please watch this video. Please share this video. Please come to know and listen to and be inspired by 16 year old Greta Thunberg. Please also spread the word about Greta and her message and the message of children everywhere who are waking up. We adults need to let the children know that we can be as brave and conscious as they are, that we’re listening and that we care, and that we will ACT in every way humanly possible to stand in protection of them and their future. Greta Thunberg is another Malala Yousafzai. There is compelling reason that we listen and respond to the truth and integrity and urgency of what Greta and so many young people are demanding of us as adults. Truly, we need to grow up and be as courageous and committed to a higher good for us all as they are! — Molly

"I want you to panic"16 year old issues 
climate warning at Davos

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist, has told world leaders: 'I don't want you to be hopeful, I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day and then I want you to act.' In an impassioned warning to act now on climate change, Thunberg told her audience at Davos: 'Either we choose to go on as a civilisation or we don’t'

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