Sunday, December 30, 2018

As a Systems Thinker, I Am...

I LOVE THIS! So powerful and helpful as we each look more and more deeply into ourselves and where we’re at in our own evolution, assessing our capacity and the reality of how we think, the stories we believe, the values we live by, and how it is that we increasingly contribute to a more just, loving, peaceful, kind, caring, and sustainable world. Molly

 As a systems thinker,
I am...

Open to different ways of knowing.
How do I or you or we know this?

Experimenting regularly.
Not being afraid to fail.
Wanting to learn all the time.
 Continuously reflecting, experimenting, learning.
Coming from a place of positive intention.
Playing, imagining, innovating.

Open to what emerges.
Comfortable with uncertainty.
Ready to flex.

To achieve results.
To create a better, fairer world.

Radically humble.
Holding lightly.
Not having to be right.
Letting go of the outcome.

Acting with an attitude of love.
Especially framing.
Being curious.
Asking, "I wonder..."

Looking after myself.
Being authentic.
Acting in accordance with and embodying my values.
Deepening my awareness.

Listening actively.
Moving to the next base and reappraising.
Ready to amend my thinking.

Looking for... 
Patterns. Feedbacks. Boundaries. 
Relationships. Connections.

Framing, illustrating, Inquiring...
Trying to clarify my assumptions and beliefs.
Perhaps using others to help with this.
Questing and testing these.

Asking Where Am I In This?
Aware of the style and quality of relationships,
conversations, body language.

Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Others
Checkig in. Checking out. Sharing frames.

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