Friday, November 23, 2018

A Major New U.S. Report Affirms: Climate Change Is Getting Worse

Year after year the dire warnings keep coming in, trying to shake humankind awake — and especially those in positions of power. This piece is from one year ago. The first warnings about the dangers of climate change actually came from oil industry in 1954! (Please go here: Yet the power of greed and the toxic propaganda campaign to spread doubt continues to this day. This is sheer criminal madness! The time is far, far past due to act! And act now to stop this suicidal insanity we must! — Molly

A satellite image of Arctic sea ice at record-low levels in 2007NASA
 The National Climate Assessment arrives as President Trump is dismantling the most sweeping U.S. climate policy. 

Climate change is real. It’s caused by greenhouse-gas pollution released by human industrial activity. Its consequences can already be felt across every region and coastline of the United States—and, unless we stop emitting greenhouse gases soon, those consequences will almost certainly get worse.

Those are the headline findings of the Climate Science Special Report, a sweeping and more than 800-page examination of the evidence. The report was published Friday by four agencies of the U.S. government and academics from across the country.
Their conclusions form the first volume of the new National Climate Assessment, a report on the science and impacts of global warming that Congress requires agencies to complete every four years. A draft version of the second volume, on the human impacts of climate change, was also released Friday.
“This is the most comprehensive assessment of climate science currently available in the world, and it reaffirms what we’ve already known,” said Robert Kopp, one of the lead authors of the report and a professor of climate science at Rutgers University. “If we want to do something like stay under 2 degrees Celsius of warming, the window to do that is closing in the next couple decades.”

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