Saturday, October 27, 2018

Tsultrim Allione: What We Can Do To Heal and Restore Balance

Beautiful, wise, needed. Molly

Painting by Angela Babby
The extent of violation of women and violence to the earth perpetrated by men does not mean that all men are perpetrators. It is important to acknowledge that there are many forward-thinking males around the world who recognize these same problems and are working in collaboration with women to change them. While I am focusing on the need for empowerment of women in this book, and the devastating results of the lack of women's equality and their abuse, ultimately we need a partnership society. In the end, we need to develop the model of mutually empowered partnership with men rather than domination of either gender, societies that promote power with rather than power over.

The loss of feminine qualities is an urgent psychological and ecological issue in modern society. It is a painful loss in our emotional lives and a disastrous loss for the safety of life on earth. In woman, it affects her central identity; and in man, it affects his ability to feel and value. The loss of the feminine in man causes him to feel moody and lonely. In woman, it causes her to lose faith in herself. We are slowly awakening to the crisis of the earth and the effect of the loss of the sacred feminine, but few people understand that the causes of the crisis have spiritual values at their roots values of the sacred as immanent, imbued in all of life, and all life as interdependent.

What can we do to restore and heal the balance? In order to find balance, we need to equalize human rights and the economic situation of women and men; and we must move away from religions that model male dominance and into spiritual models of partnership and respect for our precious planet. It is by empowering the sacred feminine and by listening to the earth as she tries to communicate with us that we will ultimately heal.

Lama Tsultrim Allione
Excerpted from Wisdom Rising: Journey into
the Mandala of the EMPOWERED FEMININE 


 "What do we most need to do to save our world? 
What we most need to do is to hear within
us the sounds of the Earth crying."
Thích Nhất Hạnh  


For more information, please go here:

"Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine:
A method of inner transformation and empowerment into
wisdom and fierce compassion. Be a part of the 
rising and return of the sacred feminine."  


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