Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Courage To Know What We Do Not Know

This is so wise and true. I post this with humility, not judgment. As I’ve engaged for many years now in lifting the veils of my ignorance, indoctrination, and illusions, again and again I’ve been deeply humbled. The more I learn, the more I recognize how little I have known. 

It’s been painful enough healing and coming to terms with my childhood trauma and losses. Add onto this my ever growing awareness of what an incredibly propagandized people we are here in America, the “land of the free and home of the brave.” Yet, the truth is that we need to be so brave to see the ways in which we’ve been brainwashed, wounded, grown apart from one another and our own hearts. 

Chris Hedges speaks about the great need for journalists to have a profound commitment to truth. This is a need that I believe we each need to embrace. In the larger picture, this is not about Democrats versus Republicans. This is about all of us pulling ourselves away from the propaganda of polarization and looking deeply into the ways we each have absorbed information and belief systems that may only give us partial pictures while obstructing the larger vistas that are so essential for us to see. 

Oh, how we all need each other! It is painful and courageous to be committed to a path of heart and to growing in consciousness and to peeling off layer after layer of our illusions. This is the journey of waking up and becoming who we are and being increasingly empowered to find our unique ways of working together to create a more just, kind, and peaceful world. 

May we all be fierce truth seekers... Molly

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