Monday, October 1, 2018

Reflections On Courage and Radical Change

Powerful. Courageous. Grounded in truth and integrity and consciousness of a higher good. What an amazing, inspiring woman! Deep bow of gratitude and respect to Dr. Ford! 

This also points to a vital larger picture. For many years now I’ve been aware of how helpful it is to see what I see and then look deeper and then deeper again, peeling back layer after layer of the obstacles within myself to greater understanding, truth, compassion, and wisdom. My experience is that this takes courage and effort and intention and mindfulness, connection and support, and a profound commitment to truth to engage in an ongoing way in this lifting of the veils of my ignorance and indoctrination into limiting and harmful belief systems. This goes deeper than the unhealthy and wounding family that I or any of us grew up in. 

What we are witnessing here, brilliantly illuminated in these two photographs, is the enormity of the challenge to the patriarchal waters in which we’ve all been swimming in for thousands of years. The resistance and fear, the silencing and oppression, the narcissistic entitlement and grandiosity, the totality of ignorance and empathic failure, the hatred and rage and violence of Patriarchy are on full display. 

This is so much bigger than politics, than Republicans versus Democrats and left/right, conservative/liberal, or any of the smaller picture polarities that we are habitually fed in American culture which keep us polarized, divided, distracted, disempowered, and asleep. This is about radical change reflective of a re-balancing and shift within our nation and all over our Earth Mother ― all of which has long been in steep decline. 

The larger picture that we are witnessing embodies a reemergence of the awareness of the Sacred Feminine. More and more of us are being shaken awake. We are becoming mindful, we are listening, we are coming forth with our strong voices and the truth of our stories. We humans are growing in consciousness of the great need to honor and protect the feminine within ourselves as humans and within all of life. We are evolving. And there is much backlash and fear of this radical change and the path of evolution that our species is being asked to commit ourselves to.

The long held toxic patriarchal power structure which is destroying our planet and causing so much death, destruction, and suffering is crumbling in order to give way to the possibility of a just, kind, and caring world. May we all be inspired to be part of this Caring Revolution and this Great Awakening.

Bless us all ― Molly

Photos by Molly
My circle sisters on the beach. May we all seek and find circles of connection, caring, safety and support for becoming who we truly are.

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