Thursday, October 4, 2018

Janet Quinn: I am a Woman Finding My Voice

This is for all of us, women and men alike, who are finding our voices and standing in the truth and fierce commitment to a higher good for us all. May courage, connection, caring, and kindness be contagious! ― Molly

I Am a Woman Finding My Voice

      Did I first lose my voice when I learned not to cry too loud or make too much noise so I didn’t wake up Daddy? Or was it when I learned that talking in church was a sin (unless it was to a priest)? Was it the first time I didn’t say what was inside of me because I didn’t want to make someone mad, or was it the first time that I said what wasn’t true because I didn’t want to hurt someone’s feelings? No matter now. Now, I am finding my voice! I am laughing, screaming, crying, and cooing! I am making delighted sounds and angry sounds. I growl and moan, and I sing and chant! I offer soft and sweet words of comfort and passion and I speak loud, clear words of outrage and opposition. I am making holy noise and I am keeping holy, holy silence. Finding my voice means that I claim my freedom to express myself. It means that I speak only what is true for me, and that I will never be silenced again. I am a woman finding my voice!

From I Am a Woman Finding My Voice: Celebrating the
Extraordinary Blessings of Being a Woman
By Janet F. Quinn, Ph.D., R.N.

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