Monday, October 8, 2018

Grief, Anger and Empowerment: Women Speak

Robert Beatty, October 7th, 2018
Ron and myself with Robert, 2013
I am moved to share this video from our incredibly powerful experience yesterday at Portland Insight Meditation Community, which is the spiritual community Ron and I are part of. Please go here for this link:
The teacher, Robert Beatty, is also the one who married Ron and myself five years ago. I am sharing this today because these teachings - and this wisdom, understanding, compassion, support, and strong voices - are, I believe, something that speaks to so many of us in these sad and scary times.
Yesterday the theme was related to what is happening now and how we humans are struggling with deep pain: "In response to the political developments and the supreme court hearings of the last week this morning was devoted to hearing from the women in our community. How to honor the pain and surface the wounds so that we can go beyond enemy images and find paths of compassionate action."
Ron and I can be seen in the beginning, and before the sanctuary filled up, sitting on the left next to our friends Sheryl and Lou. Towards the end of the morning, Robert also invited whoever needed to speak to do so. No one was seen on the video, but our voices are heard here. I was among those who spoke when I shared of the sexual assault I experienced at age 19, but never spoke of until one week ago with my therapist, then my husband, and now others.
May more and more of us grow in our consciousness and active participation in the Great Awakening that is upon us. May we find our voices. May great healing and radical change emerge through all this sadness, pain, and suffering. Bless us all. ❤ Molly

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