Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Inspired to Find My Voice: My Me Too Experience

With my twin brother John, 1970
My Me Too experience of sexual assault by a former boyfriend occurred 48 years ago when I was 19. I’d never told a soul. Until two days ago when I told my therapist, and then later my husband. It’s amazing how shame and pain, fear and guilt, minimization and disassociation, inner and outer critics, and adherence to the Don’t Talk, Don’t Trust, Don’t Feel rules so prevalent in our culture and many of the families we grew up in can perpetuate our silence. But no more! Courage is contagious. And we are finding our voices and standing in our truths and joining hands and hearts to support ourselves and one another in confronting the toxic patriarchal power structures and belief systems that have for so long strangled our voices and who we are and who we are becoming. But no more! No More! Another world is possible. May we birth her together.  

Bless us all ― Molly

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