Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Janet Quinn: I Am a Woman Bathing In the Bliss of the Company of Other Women

I am moved to post this piece by Janet Quinn once again following my weekend spent in ceremony with over 100 beautiful, courageous, and precious women. This women's ceremony, the circles I have sat in over the years, and the loving and soulful sisters who have graced my life have all healed and deeply transformed who I am today. As the mother to three sons and three grandsons, and as someone who cares deeply about all our relations, I also need to affirm that our boys and men also have a deep need for connection. My amazing husband has also been in his men's group with six men for 20 years. We humans are relational and suffer when we are disconnected from that which nourishes our deepest and most authentic needs. So while this post is absolutely for all the amazing women I know and all girls and women everywhere, it is also for the men and boys. May we all know what it is to belong, to be connected, to be listened to and understood, to be safe and to trust, to be seen and loved. Just imagine a world where this is so, for women and men and children everywhere. Just imagine... Molly

Photo by Molly
I Am a Woman Bathing In the Bliss of the
Company of Other Women

Sitting in a circle, women beside me, women across from me; women around me; women embracing me; women supporting me; women listening to me; women understanding me; women appreciating me; women admiring me; women comforting me; women laughing with me; women keening with me; women celebrating with me; women outraged with me; women creating with me; women allowing me to create my own way. Women healing each other; women healing the world; women longing for peace; women uniting for justice; women choosing love and forgiveness; women visioning; women in the world; women in the home; women mothering children; women tending men; women nursing parents; women running institutions; women struggling; women overcoming; women growing; women dying. Women, huge and tiny, bold and shy, wide and full, long and athletic; wise, strong, tender, holy, compassionate, vital, brilliant, magnificent, multicolored, multitalented, multifaceted, sparkling, glimmering, light-giving gems of Creation, women! I am a woman bathing in the bliss of the company of other women.

Janet Quinn
From I Am a Woman Finding My Voice:
Celebrating the Extraordinary Blessings of Being a Woman

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